Web Hosting

We are dedicated, as a matter of honor, to providing our clients with the most reliable Web Hosting services in Kenya. What is web hosting ? The Web host stores all the pages of your website and makes them available to

Web Hosting
computers. We are dedicated, as a matter of honor, to providing our clients with the most reliable Web Hosting services in Kenya. What is web hosting ? The Web host stores all the pages of your website and makes them available to computers connected to the Internet. The domain name, such as "ruzzgraphics.com," is actually linked to an IP address that points to a specific computer. When somebody enters your domain name into their browser’s address field, the IP address is located and Web site is loaded from your Web host.

A Web host can have anywhere from one to several thousand computers that run Web hosting software, such as Apache, OS X Server, or Windows Server. Most websites you see on the Web are accessed from a "shared host," which is a single computer that can host several hundred Web sites. Larger websites often use a "dedicated host," which is a single machine that hosts only one website. Sites with extremely high amounts of traffic, such as apple.com or microsoft.com, use several computers to host one site.

Finding a good Web host shouldn’t be too hard, since there are thousands available. Just make sure the Web host you choose offers good technical support and ensure little or no downtime.